Every Life Counts. So Does Every Dollar.
We run Belize Heroes, a 501(c)(3), as volunteers.
But firefighting training, equipment, and technology aren’t free.
We invest your tax-deductible financial donation directly in the four areas of need. This way you know your generosity saves lives. Literally.
Pick the easiest method for you to donate money:
Donate Online via PayPal
Give securely by credit card or PayPal account. You don’t need a PayPal account to use this, though.
Just click the button:
Send a Check
Yeah, we still take ’em. Gladly!
Send us a paper one directly or through your bank’s online write-a-check (or bill-pay) function to:
VESAP for Belize
3004 Tanya Terrace
Midlothian, VA 23112
Become a Corporate Sponsor
Your business is socially responsible, locally and globally.
You understand how vital fire-and-rescue teams are to communities, whether it’s your own or across an ocean.
Be seen for who you are at Belize Heroes special functions. Get that tax deduction. And save lives.
Because you understand that making someone else’s world safer makes yours safer too.